News and events
July 2023 Newsletter
Here is this months newsletter covering:- SAVE THE DATE: Swedes, Skiing, the South Island: A Year in New Zealand Small Holder Meeting: Lameness in Sheep & Goats Blowfly Teasers Lead: The Bother with Batteries Tapeworm Segments in Sheep Changes to TB...
June 2023 Newsletter
Here is this months newsletter covering:- Early Toxovax A Bad Year for Ticks Returning Showing Sheep Preventing Wormer Resistance Through the Grazing Season June 2023
May 2023 Newsletter
Here is this months newsletter covering:- Client Meeting - Efficient Suckler CowsNematodirus RiskEarly Cevac for GimmersHeifer SelectionPre-Turnout Jobs May 2023
April 2023 Newsletter
Here is this months newsletter covering:- Client Meeting - Efficient Suckler CowsEaster Opening HoursThe Heavy Cost of Assisted CalvingsBovine AbortionsIodineInterdigital hyperplasia - a cause of lameness Red Tractor Mutilations April 2023
March 2023 Newsletter
Here is this months newsletter covering:- Set on calvesUse of metacam in NeonatesSpring Opening TimesLambing ListLambing CourseImportance of Selenium for Immunity and Vaccine ResponseColostrum is GoldCauses of Abortion in EwesFunding available through Animal Health...
February 2023 Newsletter
Here is this months newsletter covering:- Animal Health and Welfare PathwayMeasuring Calf Birth WeightsGrazing for Growth AHDB Monitor Farm EventMetabolic Testing Pre Calving and LambingDigital DermatitisVaccinating Sick Animals February 2023
January 2023 Newsletter
Here is this month's newsletter, covering:- AHDB Profitable Cow Meeting - Nothing Fancy, Just Functional Client Pre-Lambing and Pre-Calving MeetingSmall Holders Meeting on Infectious Diseases of GoatsA New Addition To The Black Sheep Team - MillieBVD testingScab...
December Newsletter 2022
Here is this months newsletter covering:- Mastering Medicines CourseDo you have enough Forage for Winter?Digital Dermatitis Christmas Opening HoursCancer EyeTapewormCattle Abortion December 2022
November Newsletter 2022
Here is this months newsletter covering:- Christmas Opening HoursSmall Holder Goat MeetingMedicine Drop BoxesCharity Christmas QuizAHDB Monitor Farm MeetingFuture Farming Resilience FundFluke Test Before You TreatScab Antibody ELISA Don't Waste A Blade Of StrawSheep...
October Newsletter 2022
Here is this months newsletter covering:- Alwinton ShowFree HatsFluke Risk UpdateEnvironmental Impacts of ML's and SP'sInvestigating Thin EwesIntranasal Pneumonia VaccinesOff-Grid Electricity October 2022